Category: News
Keep in Touch with Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity has partnered with Flocknote, a communication group that seeks to help parishes and parishioners stay better connected. Flocknote will allow Holy Trinity to send out text or email messages to parishioners quickly and simply. Parishioners decide which information to give and can stop or start messages on their […]
How to Enroll Online Giving Using Vanco

Holy Trinity Catholic Church uses Vanco to process online giving. To enroll in regularly scheduled donations or make a one-time payment, please click here. Once you reach the online donation page, please click “Sign Up” in the top right corner to start the donation process. Thank you for your generosity!
Upon This Rock Capital Campaign
Independent Reconciliation Program

As you are aware, His Excellency, Bishop Barry C. Knestout, announced in February an Independent Reconciliation Program (“Program”) as part of his promise to expand the healing ministry to further assist victim survivors of clergy sexual abuse in the Diocese of Richmond. The Program was administered by an independent and […]
Why Do Catholics Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day?

Roman Catholics celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day because of his patronage of the Irish people, his zeal and love for Christ, and his untiring preaching of the Gospel message in faith and humility. The Breastplate of Saint Patrick I arise today Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, Through […]
God Alone is the Author of Marriage
Virginia Bishops Oppose Death Penalty

The Catholic Bishops of Virginia Issue Renewed Opposition to Death Penalty Bishop DiLorenzo and Bishop Loverde have issued a new statement renewing the Church’s opposition to the use of lethal punishment for convicted criminals. Their statement, made in light of Pope Francis’ recent emphasis on this Church teaching is an […]