Liturgical Ministry

Holy Trinity relies on a variety of lay ministers for the celebration of Sunday Mass. In order to simplify the scheduling process, the parish uses an online scheduling system called Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP). In addition to simplifying the actual scheduling process, the system sends out reminders to volunteers when they are scheduled, as well as allowing volunteers to submit swap requests if they need substitutes.

If you are interested in serving in any of these ministries, contact [email protected].  Also, if you are already one of our ministers and need to connect to MSP, click on this link; you will need your user name and password to login.


Those who are called to the ministry of Reader (also sometimes called Lector) apply their talents and time to proclaim the Holy Scriptures. This ministry requires preparation of the Old and New Testament Readings in the Liturgy of the Word. Lectors are also scheduled to lead the community in the Prayers of the Faithful. In addition to these ministries, lectors commit to praying a monthly Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament in order to foster their devotion to our Lord, whose Word they proclaim at Mass.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC)

In the Roman Catholic Church, “The ordinary minister of the Holy Communion is a Bishop, Priest or Deacon” (Code of Canon Law, 910.1). Only in the event that the number of ordinary ministers is insufficient, other members of the Christian faithful may be deputed to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion. Our Sunday Masses typically require the assistance of 5-7 EMHCs.  In addition to serving at Mass as scheduled, EMHCs commit to praying a monthly Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament in order to foster their devotion to our Lord, whose Body and Blood they distribute.

Altar Servers

To assist the priest at the altar, children are invited to a take a special role in the liturgy as an altar server. In order to serve, a child must have received the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion and be in at least the 5th grade.

Mass Coordinator (MC)

Those who have spent a significant amount of time ministering as an EMHC and/or a lector may be asked to become a Mass Coordinator. MCs set up for Masses at which they scheduled, as well as making sure the lectors, EMHCs, and altar servers are all present and accounted for. In addition to their MC duties before and after Mass, MCs may be asked to serve as an EMHC or lector during Mass, if needed.


Ushers/Greeters serve before, during, and after Mass. They welcome people as they arrive, answer questions, help orient new families and visitors, and seat members of the congregation. They also assist in the offertory collection and coordinate the movement of the congregation during Holy Communion. Following Mass, they ensure that the church is prepared to receive those who will attend the next Mass by tidying up the pews and hymnals.

Altar Guild

The Holy Trinity Altar Guild is a group of dedicated volunteers with knowledge of the altar linens, holy vessels, and colors of the liturgical vestments.  The guild works “behind the scenes” to maintain the sanctuary, caring for the beauty of the Church altar, and caring for and preparing the altar linens and the other liturgical items such as the Eucharistic vessels, elements, candles, and small furnishings in the sanctuary.  Other activities may include:

  • servicing the linens used on the altar and during the consecration of the Mass
  • servicing the wax candles, brass candlesticks & followers, and glass wind protectors
  • washing and ironing purificators and corporals
  • preparing the vestments and altar dressings for different feasts and seasons according to the colors determined by the liturgical calendar
  • ironing Alb’s, chasubles, veils, palls, altar cloths, server robes
  • occasional “house keeping” to dust and polish the sanctuary furniture, etc.

“Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary” (Ps. 96:6)