Life Teen



Sundays from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm


Life Teen takes place in the Holy Trinity Pastoral Center. 

On Sundays, Life Teen meets from 12:00pm-2:00pm (right after the 11:00am Mass and right before the 2:00pm Mass in Spanish).  This happens from September 15th until May 18th. 

LIFE TEEN REGISTRATION FORM <- download form before filling out (Registro de Life Teen en español <- descargue el formulario antes de llenarlo) can be filled out and e-mailed to Aaron Hostetter or brought to the Pastoral Center.  Teens are encouraged to follow Life Teen on Instagram!

We also have these upcoming Life Teen events which require additional registration to participate.  For more event or registration info, email Aaron Hostetter.

Life Teen events with Fall registration

Fall Retreat (Nov 1-3, 2024).

Fall Retreat Parent Letter English 

Fall Retreat Release Forms English due Oct 18

Retiro de otoño Carta a los Padres

Retiro de otoño los formularios de inscripción vencen el viernes 18 de octubre

What are the costs? $100, covers meals, lodging and activities at YMCA Camp Silver Beach.


Diocesan Youth Conference (Feb 7-9, 2025). DYC is a highly energetic, engaging, and unforgettable opportunity for our high school teenagers to gather as an entire Diocesan Church community in Richmond and celebrate the amazing richness of our Catholic faith with Bishop Knestout and youth from all over Virginia!

DYC 2025 Parent Letter English

DYC Conferencia Diocesana de Jóvenes 2025 carta de los padres español

Early-bird discount: $160 if registered by Nov 30! After Dec 1st, it is $210.

The final registration deadline is Sunday, Jan 5th

Spots limited: Holy Trinity has 12 youth spots reserved for DYC. After the 12 spots are filled, teens can be put on a waitlist. The earlier someone is put on the waitlist (along with teens from all of the other participating parishes in the diocese), the more likely that they will get a spot. 

DYC 2025 Permission Form English

DYC Conferencia Diocesana de Jóvenes 2025 formulario de permiso

Life Teen trips in Summer 2025 with Spring Registration:

Diocesan Work Camp (June 21-27) – Diocesan Work Camp is an immersive experience of Christian service, prayer, and community. The Diocesan Work Camp is a week that will give direct assistance to the local community and transform our youth ministry culture! Each day starts with daily Mass before heading out to work sites; each night has programming and prayer. A unique benefit of Diocesan Work Camp is that our parish gets to build friendships with other parishes in our own state. 

Note: For high school students who have a service hour requirement, this could be a great opportunity to also log a lot of service hours. Location TBA.

Registration and $100 deposit deadline TBA.  Contact Aaron Hostetter to inquire: [email protected]


Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference, (July 10-13, 2025)

A Steubenville Youth Conference is a youth conference where about 3,000 high school teens from around the country will gather to encounter dynamic speakers, powerful prayer experiences and strong Christian community. It’s truly an inspiring experience and one of our teens favorite trips every year! 

We will join a large group from the Diocese of Richmond to travel to Atlanta (GA) for the conference. 

Deadline: To reserve your spot, turn in a $100 nonrefundable deposit by Feb 23, 2025.  Cash or checks payable to: Holy Trinity Catholic Church. 

How Much: TBA. When the Diocese gives us the trip cost, we will calculate a subsidy and then give you your cost

Check out what teens from Holy Trinity have said about their Steubenville conference experience from previous trips! Teen quotes from Steubenville ATL 

Sacrament of Confirmation

In the Diocese of Richmond, the normative time to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation is currently someone who is entering “at least the tenth grade and be at least 15 years of age”(10th graders or 11th/12th graders who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation). 

The requirements for Confirmation preparation include:

  1. Participation in the Life Teen program during the school year on Sundays, Noon-2:00 pm
  2. The Fall Retreat (Nov 1st-3rd)
  3. Two “Super Saturday” retreat days in the Spring (January 25th & February 22nd).
    Please block out these dates, as these retreats are mandatory for Confirmation prep!

Why does Confirmation preparation take place at a parish?

Catechism of the Catholic Church §1309: “Preparation for Confirmation should aim at leading the Christian toward a more intimate union with Christ and a more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit – his actions, his gifts, and his biddings – in order to be more capable of assuming the apostolic responsibilities of Christian life. To this end catechesis for Confirmation should strive to awaken a sense of belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ, the universal Church as well as the parish community. The latter bears special responsibility for the preparation of confirmands.”

Code of Canon Law 843 §2: “Pastors…have the duty to take care that those who seek the sacraments are prepared to receive them by proper evangelization and catechetical instruction”.
1. Through proper evangelization, your teen will spiritually encounter the person of Jesus Christ, who is personally inviting him or her into His life of grace and mission.
2. In catechetical instruction, your teen gains a deeper understanding into the mystery of Confirmation and what God is going to give him or her in the Sacrament.


What is Life Teen?

Life Teen is Holy Trinity’s Christian Formation program for 9-12 grades.  Life Teen is an international Catholic youth ministry program that seeks to lead teens closer to Christ.  The Life Teen model of youth ministry is different from a classroom setting of catechesis in several key areas. 

A traditional classroom model of Christian formation is centered around catechesis (a “class” style gathering where the teachings of the Catholic Church are taught from a textbook by a teacher). In the Life Teen model of youth ministry, catechesis (the teaching part) is only one element within a much larger and dynamic approach to evangelizing and forming our young people in the faith. Life Teen is not taught by individual catechists, but led by a Core Team of adults who are active in the life of the parish and work each week praying for the teens, guiding them as mentors, and teaching the Catholic faith through formal teaching, small group discussions and in other Christ-centered conversations throughout the year.  Furthermore, Life Teen seeks to connect a young person to both the universal Church and our local parish.  To this end, Holy Trinity Life Teen seeks to be a faith community of teens and adult mentors with an immersive experience of learning the faith, praying together and participating in the sacramental life of the Church. 

Life Teen is 100% Catholic, teaching the totality of the Truth of our faith, challenging teens to live that same faith.  The Life Teen curriculum materials are in line with the USCCB guidelines for instructing youth.  

All 9th-12th grade members of the parish are invited to participate in the Life Teen program as a way to morally and spiritually prepare for college, the work force, adult parish life and married life after high school.  Coupled with fulfilling their Sunday Obligation of attending Mass each Sunday and Life Teen gatherings, we offer additional retreats and youth group activities throughout the year.