Author: Gina Bordeaux
Your Adultery Habit…

Pastor’s Note: This article was published by a private Catholic author, Matt Walsh, who writes about topics related to the faith, politics, and society. It is reprinted here unedited. It can also be read along with his other columns on his website Married men: your porn habit is an […]
An Obituary to Model…

Pastor’s Note: The following obituary was published after the death of Mary A. (“Pink”) Mullaney. It is reprinted below unedited. If you’re about to throw away an old pair of pantyhose, stop. Consider: Mary Agnes Mullaney (you probably knew her as “Pink”) who entered eternal life on Sunday, September 1, […]
Alive Day – A Reflection by Lt. Brad Snyder, USN (Ret)
…with blessed Joseph, her spouse…

Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, included in Eucharistic Prayers The Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has issued new texts that include the name of St. Joseph, husband of the virgin Mary, in the main Eucharistic Prayers at Mass. The Vatican has provided Latin texts […]
Your Screaming Kids…
Pastoral Letter to Surfers
An Open Letter to My Sisters this Halloween
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Gay, Catholic, and Doing Fine

Gay, Catholic, and Doing Fine: Reflections of a Faithful Catholic Pastor’s Note: Occasionally, we find articles which articulate issues in the Catholic faith with clarity and a personal perspective. Recently, a Catholic blog writer included this reflection on her own blog. It has been posted here unedited with permission […]