
The seven Sacraments are outward signs of God’s Grace, tangibly active in our lives. They are sacred and powerful encounters with the living God, and they offer us God’s saving presence.

Preparation for Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism for infants under the age of 7 years is celebrated during Holy Mass. At least one parent must be a participating member of the parish, registered for at least three months prior to beginning the preparation process. All baptism information such as dates, requirements for godparent and necessary paperwork takes place at our Baptism preparation class, typically held once a month. Parents and godparents are invited to this meeting.  For information about preparing for Baptism for your infant, please contact our Director of Religious Education, Eva Warner at 757.480.3433, ext 221.  Preparation for Baptism for anyone from their 7th birthday and older are prepared through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

Preparation for First Penance & Eucharist
A child who is in second grade is eligible for preparation for First Penance and Eucharist. This begins with an informational parent meeting. At this time, parents are informed of the expectations for their child and receive materials for home preparation. First Penance meetings will be in the Fall and First Eucharist in the Spring. There are several other meetings (i.e., 1st Communion Jesus Day Retreat, Interview) that must also be attended to complete this process. Parents are the primary educators and are expected to prepare their child at home. If you have any questions, contact Eva Warner, Director of Religious Education at 757.480.3433, ext 221.

Preparation for Confirmation
The process of preparation participating in a regular religious education program either in the parish or in a Catholic school. The Life Teen program provides for preparation of Confirmation as well as High School Christian Formation.

A young person does not begin the special formation process for confirmation unless he or she has participated regularly at Sunday Mass and has taken part in the regular parish or school religious education program for at least a year. A young person who has fallen away from active involvement in the sacraments and formal religious formation should be encouraged and assisted to return to an active faith life before preparing for Confirmation.

Preparation for Marriage
Holy Trinity is a beautiful place to be married!  In the Diocese of Richmond, the couple must contact the parish priest to begin their marriage formation at least six months prior to the date of the wedding. Couples interested in marrying at Holy Trinity should contact the pastor for an initial appointment.  Couples are urged not to schedule the date of the wedding without first meeting with the priest. Both the bride and groom should be free to marry in the Church.  If either party has been married before, no wedding date can be set until the prior bonds are declared invalid.  Contact the pastor if this is a concern. Please contact the pastor for information about preparing for marriage.

Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick is available whenever requested of the pastor. If a parishioner is planning a surgery or hospital stay and the illness calls for the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, the parishioner is urged to schedule the sacrament with the pastor before entering the hospital.

Holy Orders
Since the beginning of the ministry of the Apostles, Christ has called men to serve the Church as priests.  For men who are considering a call to the Sacred Priesthood, they are urged to contact the pastor to learn more about praying and discerning through the possibility of such a sacred calling.  After contacting the pastor, he can direct you to the steps to formally considering a vocation to the Priesthood.